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Ice Age

Papoose Fiction: Ice Age

The earth is getting warmer, that is true, but not because of global warming, that is false. Many hundreds of years ago was a half a millennia-long ice age that just started warming up as recently as a couple of hundred years ago.
There was a time when the north and south poles were beachfront property that people vacationed at. However, an ice age froze both ends, sending humans and the rest of the lifeforms on the planet running towards the equator to stay warm.

Survival Tools

The era wiped out all forms of technology and infrastructures, leveling societies down to their most fundamental survival tools. Oxygen levels lowered, and millions of species were wiped off the face of the planet. Only animals capable of climbing steep mountain ranges quickly managed to survive the swift moving storms that emptied entire forests of even the bacteria and fungi growing beneath the surface.
Survivors who managed to escape and survive the brutal onslaught of weather systems were left naked in desert lands to make due with the limited resources available while almost half the world suddenly became covered in ice.

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