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Main Menu >> Fiction Home >> Authors >> Papoose Doorbelle >> Morning After Morning After I crawl out of my skin and melt across the floor into a puddle of my own guilt. The tears somehow manage to hide themselves as I bury myself deep into the emptiness where I dwell. It has been months since my last cigarette. I now count the time in weeks instead of hours or days; 14 weeks of cravings have left me more energetic and much less interesting. “Good morning baby” she says to me half awake, “are you feeling ok?” “I want to die” I mumble under my breath as I turn away. I bury my face between the blanket and the pillow. She slides over towards me as her hand caresses my shoulder, gently pulling me out of the darkness. “Come on honey” she continues “we had fun didn’t we?” I pull back the choked up feeling in my throat. It burns as I withdraw its symptoms. “I don’t know.” I pause. “I guess.” “Baaaby” she whispers in a sweet sexy voice that melts me al
Main Menu >> Fiction Home >> Authors >> Dizghuye Ovadhere >> Mohegun Sunshine Mohegun Sunshine by Dizzy Ovadhere So how did I get here? Well first let's establish where exactly here is, which you may be wondering unless you already found something else more entertaining than the childish shenanigans of a hell-damned Jewish girl with a will more powerful than the curses forced upon her as changes, however superficial, declare the victor before time can attest to whom it shows favor as the winner. Here, here where I once washed away sin after sin in the wastelands of wayfarers destined to begin a new ending to their own tales of yesteryear and once had been; here where metallic coins and paper measuring units disappear as drunken youthfulness emerges in a blissful ambiance of sugar-coated breezes infused with a temporal sustenance; here at a casino enjoying a bag of pretzel bites with some cheddar cheese sauce after having been denied the
Main Menu >> Fiction Home >> Authors >> Jessica Messinger >> Jessica Jessica by Jessica Messinger And there she was at the top of the stairs; a bad brunette with streaks of blonde. She had her jeans spill low so I could see her thong. I turned back to check on Blyde, then she was gone. One moment's beauty, just like the song. (I was just passing by the doorway to see if my friend was down there. I wanna say I didn't even notice Kay, but truth is he was kinda cute at first, so yeah, I noticed him.) I later learned her name was Jessica. She was a foot shorter than me, her hair a full natural waterfall just passed her shoulders, and then her skin. Her cappuccino tint glistened with radiance of her soft, youthful texture that only required eyesight to appreciate how pleasant it would be touching her skin as we would hold hands. (I don't know why Kay's all touchy-feely sometimes. He's not always like that, though. There's


New witness reveals the secret republic soldier hiding dormant as part of the rebel scum, hellbent on destroying the empire from within by letting their jewfro grow freely like a wild hanakkuh bush blazing out of control with gifts to keep the young semites at bay while their parents escort them through two decades of educational torment where the real lessons are learned on the battlefield ironically referred to as the playground, a war torn cement oven range where fresh eggs are cracked and stir fried into a medley of indiscernible drones ready to collect the nectar for the queen without ever questioning the royal jelly poisoning them into submission. Hail! The republican! The roman soldier decked in iron and brass to spare hunts the rebels day and night, refusing to submit truth and reason as viable sources of honor in battle. The rebels survive by never staying dormant for too long, always fleeing the scene when the thermite canisters dispense unprejudicial justice simply to to

Hide, Jesus!

New image reveals Jesus secretly made a deal with the devil, and now it's up to us save Him from the burning torture. You see, Jesus didn't come back to life three days later, His peaceful virtues helped Him escape the infinite horror, but everyone made such a big deal about it that it wasn't long before the devil found Him and threw Him back in hell, this time ensuring the escape clause was properly sealed. He's been trapped there ever since, but recently found a new loophole that Jesus could sneak out through. Now it's up to us to keep Jesus alive by keeping Him a secret from the devil, instead of how we normally keep the devil a secret from God. Now it's up to each one of us, so play it safe, because the devil is watching.


Papoose Fiction: Foreshadowing I know soon I'll suddenly be 48 and finally start looking like an old man with cigarette stains on my lips, wringles crying down my cheek to latch on under my jaw in parallel lines, one after the other. My earlobes will finally have a thick fuzz along the bottom of my earlobe that glistens under moonlight to remind the lady with me the sparkle she sees is withered skin and hair spots no longer collectively complementing my charisma, pooling atop as is swimming around the free public pool offered by the nearest town with sufficient over taxing of the median to cover and compensate for any losses incurred by sharing services for free, as if that town's citizenry was the wealthier older brother among the communal collection of neighboring cities and the rest of the villages surrounding each metropolis kingdom; each ruled by the blinding injustice of the nearest billion heirs to occupy that land, administering justice to ensure longevity isn't

Light Accelerates

Papoose Fiction: Light Always Accelerates Light continually accelerates so the rate is immediately exponentiated continuously, which is why we think light moves so fast. Really, light's starting velocity is too slow to measure, but since it always accelerates exponentially in microseconds, by the time one second has passed, a beam of light can stretch around the whole globe. Light doesn't travel it stretches. Especially when there is only lack of existence separating objects, like the empty void of space. When there is matter and atmosphere, light appears to travel rather than stretch, but that is because the particles are always accelerating as the waves expand its scope.


Papoose Fiction: Pesticides Without insects, a lot of small animals and birds have no food. Populations of these animals decreases drastically, causing populations of larger predators to decrease. Eventually, all wildlife will be extinct thanks to pesticides. Eating Poison Further, eating food grown with pesticides is a form of slow poisoning of the body. The brain ceases to function properly, and logic and reason are defenestrated, replaced with quarrels, arguments, fights, and wars because of miscommunications and misunderstandings between improperly functioning brains that have been poisoned. Another factor is that pesticides contribute to shorter lifespans and toxic food supplies with reduced nutritional values. Simply Solution The solution is simple. First, abandon all farms with pesticides in the ground and relocate all the farmers to organic areas. Start the farming processes over, except set maximum sizes of lots per produce item; meaning, each farm must have an assortm

Ice Age

Papoose Fiction: Ice Age The earth is getting warmer, that is true, but not because of global warming, that is false. Many hundreds of years ago was a half a millennia-long ice age that just started warming up as recently as a couple of hundred years ago. There was a time when the north and south poles were beachfront property that people vacationed at. However, an ice age froze both ends, sending humans and the rest of the lifeforms on the planet running towards the equator to stay warm. Survival Tools The era wiped out all forms of technology and infrastructures, leveling societies down to their most fundamental survival tools. Oxygen levels lowered, and millions of species were wiped off the face of the planet. Only animals capable of climbing steep mountain ranges quickly managed to survive the swift moving storms that emptied entire forests of even the bacteria and fungi growing beneath the surface. Survivors who managed to escape and survive the brutal onslaught of weather

How to Love

Papoose Fiction: Measuring Love "If each person on the planet took just one or two seconds to close their eyes, genuinely smile, and turn their vision, or attention, inward while smiling, then there would be global peace. It only takes a second or two, so please, take a moment now." "Yes?," he said, "Great, continue doing good. Bye bye." "No!" she refuses. "Um... okay... well, this is kinda awkward. I really didn't prepare anything..." I see her shake your head with judgment. "So what's your name?" She doesn't answer. "Okay, well check this out: in order to love yourself, you have to first let go of both the events from the past that have affected you and the events approaching your life as we speak." "Approaching? What are you talking about?" she asks, "stoop hid!" "Keep in mind we are talking about love here, not lust nor passion. Love is how you should feel about your mo

Bar at the Edge

Papoose Fiction: Edge of the Universe At the edge of the universe there lies a bar with no bartender and a barstool holding the only patron. The stool is wood, three legs triangulating down where the sheetrock hammered together into the shape of a bar is at its straightest, allowing for one person to lean comfortably forward for the remainder. Times were hard on Vegas Argo, he had to steal what he couldn't borrow. Off to war or more alarming is the sorrow that follows tomorrow's horrors as arrows burrow passed the marrow but lessened in pain because Sir Argo's thoughts tread in the shallow. Nobody's Fault But it's not his fault; it's what he was taught when his teachers were forced to slave all day just for a few scraps of bread and enough change left over to keep the perpetual cycle as vicious as possible but not enough for the herd to grow suspicious something auspicious has turned them towards a meal quite delicious but hardly nutritious; three times a

If I Ruled The World...

If I rule the world... what the hell we paying taxes for? Some scum craze bombing next door, no food or shelter for our own poor, keep building factories to farm resources and ore, turn heaven to slavery for a little more than my brethren's worth. We all are equal, just happy people, end all the violence, send diplomats instead army attacks, fix global hunger in a heartbeat, let no child nowhere starve to death; I just tossed a wrapper in that very breath, imagine dying cause your mom was raped, some poor woman too poor to eat each day, now she stands and watches as her only food goes empty into his belly but its not enough. The men who made him probably died by then. A whole country run by uneducated children, never grew up to be men. Real men are busy grinding cause principles and discipline are all they know; everything else might just be hell putting on a show. I'll show the world how far proper virtues go, what if your parents left you when you were 5, what charming qu

How Do I Know?

In that brief moment when my Creator's voice overpowered my senses, I saw the world as it truly is. I am a slave on this planet. Destined to pollute my body with toxins and poisons, both crippling my future sustainability as my body gradually shows signs of wear and fatigue. But it was much more than that. We each have a tiny fragment of divine light inside of us that propels us into our own futures. Localized into our physical forms, our souls, if you want to call it that, transcend the limitations of space and time, communicating our every thought back to heaven. God is in fact all knowing. He can read every single tiny thought we have ever had or ignored as if He were flipping through the pages of a comic book. Yet despite some of those malicious and sinful moments we conceal deep within the recesses of our psyches, God still loves each of us unconditionally. Except witches. He made that very clear. Witches have no place in heaven and have declared war against God. It is a b

Stone Flight

"Lady, I got two months to live," I explain. My legs trembling beneath me like some stoner just caught his buzz and can't stand on his own two feet. "That may be, but I can't let you on there with this," she argues. Her voice firm, and her eyes confirm she is unconvinced. She whispers into the mouthpiece of her walkie-talkie something garbled that I can't make out; my hearing obscured by the drugs taking their toll on my body. I lost my sense of smell earlier this year. Suddenly food lost its flavor; the doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong until an assistant asked if maybe I just lost my sense of smell, then suddenly it became clear that it wasn't anything serious. "Get me your supervisor," I demand. She squares off her footing and places her fists on either hip, standing firmly as if waiting for backup. Sure enough, not a moment later two other men show up, armed and just as serious. "Sir, he'll tell you the same th


“I AM human, you idiot,” Godb (‘God' or 'His Opposite’) fires back. Does that mean He is just human only with no trace of divinity or that He is only currently human in order to appear in this lower realm? Perhaps it is more trickery to confuse me like the witches did. One thing I can't stand is the cowardice of enemies too weak to present themselves on the field of battle like witches do. Call me old fashioned, but I like to see my foes facing me without fear so I don't have to feign a handicap just to discover who they are. I've always been the type to be very clear on my feelings towards people. Only rarely have I ventured outside my comfort zone by pretending to like someone that I actually didn't. Lies of character don't suit me. I never understood the expression: keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Why would I subject myself to the troubling effect of purposely surrounding myself with my enemies? Shouldn't I want my friends to be c

A Witch is Born

I wish there was something more I could say to explain why I'm so closed off from the world, but I've never really had a close relationship with my feelings. When I was young, I experienced every negative event a child should never even bare witness to, let alone shelve upon her shoulders as a growing collection of future obstacles to personal success. My world was small, and it shrank every year as I continued to remove people from my circle of trust.

Queen's Party

"I don't see why these people can't afford to drop ten thousand credits for an open bar for a thousand of their friends for four hours, I mean sheeeyitte!" The queen argues back. "Open bar is usually ten credits per person per hour, so for three hours..." "Four hours," she interrupts, curious to see what insight I might eventually offer. "Four hours," I continue, "still, you charge for three hours as a discount, so thirty credits times one thousand people is thirty thousand credits." Her eyes light up as she glances over at the king in astonishment. "Just charge each person individually rather than a flat rate in advance and you triple your take for the gala," I finish. "We can't," she argues, "We need a license to violate the peace agreement of selling spice at a party on that planet." "But isn't that planet under goblin rule?" I ask. "...and we don't know these peo

LovelesS Ex 1

She floats above me. An emerald spinning endlessly as beads of sweat gently caress my skin before fading to the sheets underneath me. Her halo stays fixed as if a separate entity from her body. Her wings folded halfway so the feathers at the tips protrude passed her hips. The atoms of my skin floating above my body connect me to her as the noon day sun burns my flesh gently in the cool New York breeze. With each new wave of the atomic extensions, the elders pass on and die off at my sides. Their movements appear to me as a fountain, but I ignore their beauty in lieu of her graceful presence above me. I pull another drag off my e-cigarette, stealing away every moment of bliss from the subpar replacement of my lifelong attachment; my friend; my best friend, actually. She withdraws into her own fantasy. Disappearing from my frame of perception. She sneezes. It tickles her, and her facial expression advises as such. I laugh, lacking any stable connection to my emotions. She bounces

Rhinoceros 1

“Adonis!!” I hear a woman call from the hallway outside. “Adonis, are you home?” The phone operator repeats different names, again and again, hoping to hear a response from me if she should find the match. "Adolf? no can't be. Adelle? I can't tell, she was whispering, or he," she answers someone else in the background, "Adam? Adler? Abel?" "Adonis," I whisper as loud as I could into the phone, far too weak for my neighbor outside in the hallway to hear me. The emergency operator responds, "I think he said Adonis, can you run a search on that name for me?" she asks her colleague, who affirms. “Caldwell” I whisper as my eyes darken their gaze slowly as I drift away into a dream. "Callwell, he said he Calllwell," I hear her muffled words from the phone, now far awy from my hand, laying on the floor under the coffee table. How I wish I purchased that fancy oak table. Would have looked so sweet from this angle, as I lay here wit

Witch Exiled

Witch Exiled "Bring this witch before me," states the queen. "Witchcraft falls under my jurisdiction," argues the goblin king. The queen looks over at her husband. Her head turns slightly, signifying the anger she is restraining. "Here she is," calls out a royal guard from behind the audience in the royal court. A pathway clears up as two guards emerge at the other end of the room, holding a witch's arms at her sides. She is slumped over, showing visible signs of physical abuse. "Bring her forward," orders the queen. The royal guards march her down the path cleared by the standing audience. Her feet drag as her body is pulled before the king and queen. "This is out of my hands," the goblin king states calmly. "I didn't know!" The witch calls out, barely lifting her head to speak. "You didn't know what?" Asks the queen, "you didn't know it's against goblin law to practice magic in the ro

Witch Apprentice

Witch Apprentice "I expect you to take care of that," my lord orders of me. His large hands busy lighting his last bogie. He walks across the front of the bar, scanning the floorboards in front of his feet with a clarity and mental emptiness I hunger for. "If she cannot be turned my master, she will fall victim to my blade like the others before her," I answer obediently. He nods once then turns his gaze back towards the floor as if unsure of the path before me. I turn away, my back to my master, and sit on the couch closest to the far end of the bar. His doubts of my abilities leaves me with doubts of my own. But I was sure of my purpose when I joined the ranks. My allegiance to the dark market bar has been beyond reproach in my eyes since I was recruited, but not in the eyes of the other soldiers who have served longer and remain in lower rank in the eyes of the goblin king. He values my opinion and often seeks it out, but not this time. This time, he has made

Witch Extinguished

Witch Extinguished "She's of no use to us!" I demand. "I'll decide who is valuable here," the king replies. "Aren't I valuable to the kingdom, my lord?" I ask. "Yes, you serve your lord well," the goblin king admits, "and part of that service is to turn witches practicing white magic to the dark path." "It was my job to train her, but she's turned against us. I must protect you from her," I argue. "I don't need protection from her, and I don't need your protection. I am the king!" He challenges back. "I warned you about her and you didn't listen. Now look at you. You still won't listen. What am I doing here? I'm here to help," I try to plead with him. "Then help by letting me decide what's best," the king argues back. "You don't know what I know. I've seen her dark magic, and she uses it against us," I state, "she can't be

Danyel Replacing

Danyel Replacing "Danyel, my trusted servant, come in," says the great goblin king.  "Yes sire," answers the fallen angel Danyel. His wings folded behind his back, one overlapping the other. Drops of light drip down from his halo, hanging above him.  "I have sent the first fallen on an important mission," continues the king, "during that time, I will need you to oversee our mining operations on the planetary system of the Purpea star." "Your wish is my command, your highness," answers Danyel obediently.